ENGL 250 Activities:

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Jigsaw Activity for A5: Documented Essay (ENGL 250)

This is an activity created by myself and four others (named below) for Unit 5 in ENGL 250. The activity is a jigsaw discussion designed to demonstrate the process of completing the Doc. Essay

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Lego Instruction Guide [Contest Example]

Students create an instruction guide to practice visual and/or oral communication.

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Poster Museum [Contest Example]

Visual Rhetorical Analysis - In teams, have students analyze rhetorical strategies and design choices in posters.

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Activity theory based lesson for establishing audience roles for presentations

This activity presents a group discussion about audience that will help students become more aware of their roles as audience members and, by extension, as presenters.

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Empowering Student Learning Through Self-Reflection

This in-class activity is designed help instructors facilitate how students learn to complete the reflection assignments in English 150 and English 250. The goal of this activity is to give instructors a plan to introduce and explain the assignment while also giving students the chance to gain understanding about what will be expected for the reflection assignments.

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In-Class Activity for Helping Students Understand and Use Your Comments

This in-class activity is designed to help students understand the purpose of the comments you leave on their work. It also helps you get some helpful feedback on the effectiveness of your own comments.

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Activity for Oral Presentation using TED Talks

This activity is designed to help students think critically about the different ways of delivering an oral presentation. The goal is to prepare them for their final presentations.

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Knowns and Unknowns

This is a pre-discussion activity that allows students to assert confidence about readings and also admit confusions in a safe, conversational environment.

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Identifying Logical Fallacies

Students will learn to identify logical fallacies in order to avoid using them in their own writing.

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Pillars of Apology

Anonymous apologies and Dear Abby responses from students

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Fish Hook

Students think about possible introductions and introduction techniques using a worksheet and peer feedback.