ENGL 150 Activities:

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Critical Analysis of Letter as Essay

This activity is a look at critical analysis of a letter as essay by James Baldwin to his newphew. It should get students started thinking about tone, purpose, style, and context in their writing for the letters as essay

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PowerPoint Prep

This exercise is designed to discuss what not to do in presentations, but in a relaxing and humorous way.

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Trailer Comparison

This activity is used to help student prepare to perform a visual analysis by comparing two movie trailers from two different decades.

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Poster and Brochure Analysis

This exercise asks students in English 150 to analyze posters and brochures as a genre so they may later develop a heuristic for how they can incorporate visuals strategically in preparation for Assignment #5.

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Using Collaborative Writing Spaces

Students compose responses to a prompting question in a cell on a table using Google Docs or another collaborative and synchronous writing application.

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Peer Response Survey

This is an in-class activity to gather students’ perceptions of peer response activities and let students do the survey result analyses and interpretation in class.

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“Seeing the Moment”

This activity helps students articulate highly detailed and believable descriptions of their places and their experiences in those places.

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Art on Campus Analysis Activity

This activity is useful during the first week of the Campus Architecture/Campus Art Analysis assignment. This activity introduces students to a guided rhetorical analysis of artwork.

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Highlighter Revisions

This activity is designed to teach students how to revise their essays.

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Change, Add, Delete

This activity teaches revision as a process and how to provide peer-feedback on a draft. I use a clever attention grabber and begin to ask students to change, add, or delete different parts of their essays.

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Paraphrasing Practice

This activity teaches students how to paraphrase. I use an example paragraph and model my own paraphrasing technique. The activity provides a number of activities that both give students examples and provide opportunities to practice.

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Description and Summary Practice

This activity teaches students how to do an effective summary and description. I bring two examples, both bad and good. I ask students to talk about how I have changed these descriptions to change these two dominant impressions.