Peer Response Survey

shared by ISUComm on August 18, 2014

Activity Summary:

This is an in-class activity to gather students’ perceptions of peer response activities and let students do the survey result analyses and interpretation in class.



“This survey activity should be scheduled after the first peer-reviewed assignment so that students have some experience in interacting with their classmates and they can really respond to the survey items. Since the survey is online, this activity has to be carried out in a computer lab. The survey can be made based from students’ perspective, using either Likert scale based statements or open-ended questions. The specific items can be tied back to the lecture of Peer Response activity in earlier weeks and/or draw actual responses from students’ peer reviewed drafts. Alternatively, this survey activity can be used before the first peer response activity to elicit students’ previous experiences and their expectations of peer response activity.”

This is an in-class activity to gather students’ perceptions of peer response activities and let students do the survey result analyses and interpretation in class.
  1. Instructor prepares a survey using GoogleForm. Detailed instruction for GoogleForm making can be found here. The links to a sample survey and survey result are here.
  2. Instructor can either email the survey link to students or post the link on Moodle for students.
  3. Instructor asks students to take the survey in class. This process may take 8–10 minutes.
  4. At the end of this survey, instructor can show the whole class the survey results in a real time manner by refreshing the result page.
  5. Instructor can share the survey results and ask students to interpret the survey results.
  6. [optional] A survey report assignment can be made for students if there is not enough time for discussion.