Activity Summary:
Students learn basic design and delivery with PowerPoint
This activity is designed for any class in which students are giving an oral presentation using a delivery aid like PowerPoint. Not only will it help build clear content for visual design, but also will ensure more comfort in delivery. It is essential that each student participate in the sample activity to build comprehension and build the class community.
Time Required: 45 minutes
- Introduce the assignment requiring a PowerPoint. Explain the specific elements required for the course.
- Begin the PowerPoint, discussing the basics of clear PowerPoint design.
- In groups, have students analyze the flawed slides. Afterward, review the list of suggestion of possible flaws and see if any were not discussed.
- Continue to the PowerPoint section discussing delivery with PowerPoint. Have students discuss “that professor” (without naming names) who they remember abusing or misusing PowerPoint. What were their behaviors? What made them especially difficult to listen to?
- Discuss the tips for effective delivery with PowerPoint, including interaction with the slides and slide transition ideas. Remind them that they can use their laptop turned toward them as a reminder of what is on the slide, as to not have to turn their entire energy away from their audience.
- Begin the “impromptu activity” with the random slides which follow, providing one as a sample of what you hope to see.
- Each slide contains a random photograph, and then on the next mouse click, an adjective in the bottom corner. Explain that students will each get a chance to describe, give their opinion of, or tell a story including the content of the slide. After each student has finished speaking for 30-60 seconds on the slide, click the mouse to have the “hint adjective” which gives a clue about the next slide to come up. Allow students to volunteer which order they wish to speak in to make the class more comfortable.
- During the student presentations, make positive remarks when you notice students displaying positive behavior, such as pointing out specific elements of the photograph, turning their body toward the audience, using the laptop as a screen, or successful vocal delivery.
- After the activity, wrap up with a discussion in small groups of the experience: what did they learn? how will they take these skills to their assignment?