Book Covers as an Example of Visual Rhetorical Analysis
shared by mrobbins on December 4, 2017Activity Summary:
This lesson is a scaffolded approach to teaching students how to deconstruct visual arguments by analyzing various book covers. Students will practice individually, as a group, and then as presenters to the class.
- Assign students a number 1-6 (15 min):
- Instruct students to open the visual corresponding to their number using the link to a GoogleDoc prepared by instructor beforehand.
- Individually, students breakdown the visual using the oral questions from before that are now projected on Powerpoint:
- What are the visual components of the book cover?
- What argument is being conveyed?
- Identify ethos, pathos, and/or logos.
- Discuss the argument’s effectiveness and/or ineffectiveness with reasons.
- Students join their groups and discuss what they discovered.
- The groups will come to the front of the room to present their book covers to the class, describing the argument being made, and discussing its effectiveness/ineffectiveness with reasons (15 min)