PowerPoint Prep

shared by ISUComm on August 18, 2014

Activity Summary:

This exercise is designed to discuss what not to do in presentations, but in a relaxing and humorous way.



This is a classroom-based activity. I usually use this activity before students present in class. This is activity is a good way of helping students to see the problems many presenters must face, but in a tone that lets the students see the problems as comical. The nature of this activity creates a very light and friendly atmosphere in the classroom.


This exercise is designed to discuss what not to do in presentations, but in a relaxing and humorous way.
  1. Before beginning this activity, teachers should watch the YouTube video, “How not to use PP” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpvgfmEU2Ck)
  2. Explain to students that the activity should help them become familiar with common problems presenters experience when giving a presentation.
  3. While the video uses comedy by Don McMillan, the mistakes are real and students should know that these mistakes are funny because we know they happen.
  4. Get the students to break into groups.
  5. Discuss what the students found. Find out what students have seen and how the problems might be fixed.
  6. One thing the students learn is that the simple design is often the most effective. You might also combine this exercise with a presenter video, one in which the presenter demonstrates skillful execution. Now the students can compare and contrast the two videos.